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Assistant Property Manager Interview Questions

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Have You Ever Needed To Deal With Difficult Residents In The Past

Interview Tips & Guidance – Assistant Property Managers

Not all tenants will be easy to work with. Some will not pay their rent on time, while others may deliberately destroy the property. The assistant property manager should know how to work with clients like these and which people to contact should problems arise. This can include contractors and lawyers if the property has been damaged. On the other hand, tenants needs and concerns should be quickly addressed. What to look for in an answer:

  • Provides examples of working with tenants
  • Knows how to communicate effectively
  • Has the ability to diffuse tense situations


There was one tenant who would become agitated whenever it came time to collect rent. In order to collect rent from him, Id stay calm and work directly from the contract he had signed so that all of our conversations were based on facts.

What Is The Most Challenging Aspect Of Being A Manager

    How to Answer

    Every job has its challenges, and that is okay! The interviewer wants to hear that you recognize the challenge and do not allow it to impact you negatively. Pick a challenge that is not a key part of the manager role. Two common examples might include the time it takes to recognize blindspots as you transition into your new role or conducting performance reviews with employees who have a lot of room for growth.Share your most challenging aspect as a manager with the interviewer. Share that you realize this is a challenge for you, and be sure to mention that you are continually working on this challenge to grow and improve!

    Written by Audra Kresinske on March 19th, 2021

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Can You Please Tell Us Something About Your Working Experience

Experience isnt always necessary, but it is an advantage. But you should realize that you do not have to work as a property manager to have an experience of one.

Its enough when you rented your own property, holiday villa, bungalow, whatever. Because with one property you had to take care of the same things youd do taking care of 20 properties. You had to market it somewhere, find tenants, do some repairs or even renovation works, collect payments, etc.

If you can explain this to the interviewers, your lack of experience suddenly wont be a problem anymore And if you have no experience with property management , you can at least refer to jobs that helped you develop your communication and organizational skills, which are almost any jobs.

Ensure the interviewers that you understand the job description clearly. You know what will be expected from you, and feel confident that youd handle the jobwith your skills and previous experience.

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What Is The Biggest Challenge That You Foresee In This Job

The response you provide for this question will show your interviewer whether you are aware of the changes taking place in this field. In your response, share a few changes in the industry and highlight the challenges they are likely to cause. Showcase your ability to handle those changes.

Sample Answer

The biggest challenge that I foresee in this job is a security threat. It will be difficult to know whether the tenants occupying the properties are genuine or they are there with a hidden agenda such as criminal records. However,I have the skills needed in screening and selecting quality tenants .

What Does It Take To Motivate Junior Employees Effectively And How Would They Describe You

Real Estate Assistant Job Description

It’s important that a candidate can demonstrate their ability to lead a team, inspire others and manage group tasks. Look for these things in their answer:

  • Explain how they build their team
  • Demonstrate experience working in a team
  • Guidance and direction


“Positive feedback is critical in motivating junior employees. I believe in empowering and supporting my staff. My colleagues can count on me, and I also enjoy working with them. If you were to meet them today, they will tell you I am a team player and collabourator. My direct reports will also tell you I am a positive and encouraging leader.”

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As A Assistant Property Manager What Is Your Management Style

Answer tips:

Try to avoid labels.

Some of the more common labels, like progressive, consultative, persuasive, can have several meanings or descriptions depending on which management guru you listen to.

The situational style is safe, because it says you will manage according to the situation, instead of one size fits all.

Answer samples

In my experience delegating responsibility and authority is crucial. A team needs to be able to develop and grow as individuals and a whole, not be held back by low expectations or ego.

I believe in building a team. Each member of the team should be clear on their role, know where they fit in and feel as though they can depend on one another. I also believe in real-time feedback. If you do something wrong you should know it immediately. Regardless of right or wrong, the further removed feedback is in time, the less effective it is.

What Do You Know About Our Organization

    How to Answer

    With any job interview, it is crucial to understand the organization you are applying to. We recommend visiting the company website to learn key information, such as current promotions and ongoing events. Watch the videos on their website, and take note of the information on their Careers page, if one is available. Arrive prepared to list off several things you learned from the company’s website such as the number of tenants they have, number of buildings they own, when the company started, who started the company, mission statement, vision statement, core values, etc.

    Written by Audra Kresinske on March 19th, 2021

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Do You Prefer To Work With A Team Or Independently

A skilled property manager can work independently and with a team to meet deadlines. Asking this question can provide you with insight into a candidate’s preferred work style. What to look for in an answer:

  • Ability to work independently


I prefer to work on administrative and clerical tasks independently so I can focus. I usually set aside time in the morning for this. Otherwise, I enjoy working with other members of my team on large maintenance projects and inspections.”

When Have You Had Contractor Disputes How Do You Handle Them

Assistant Property Manager Interview Questions

    How to Answer

    Think about the last time a contractor did not carry through on their promises or meet your expectations for quality of work. These situations make great examples for this question! Provide the interviewer with what work the contractor was supposed to be doing for you, and share what the outcome of the contractor’s work actually was . Next, share how you reached out to the contractor either via phone to talk about the issue or on-site to talk face-to-face. Discuss how you professionally and graciously told the contractor the issue and expressed your disappointment. Share what remediation you requested. You may have asked for the project to be re-vamped. You might have asked for your money back. Or, you may have asked for the project to be started all over again. Finally, be sure to mention that you enjoy working with contractors and typically don’t have any issues with them. The challenging ones are few and far between, and you try to work with all of them on a pleasant and professional basis to maintain a positive image for the company.

    Written by Audra Kresinske on March 19th, 2021

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Tell Me About A Time When You Influenced The Outcome Of A Project By Taking A Leadership Role

    How to Answer

    The interviewer wants to hear about a positive experience you have had with leadership. Think about a time when you led a sports team, led a college project, managed a store, or coached a little league team. These are all great examples! Start off by giving the interviewer a high-level overview of what you were leading, and share that you enjoyed the experience. Discuss the positive outcome that the group had, and explain that you would gladly lead again!

    Written by Audra Kresinske on March 19th, 2021

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How Do You Organize And Prioritize Your Tasks In Managing Properties

An important quality in an assistant property manager is excellent organization skills. Since they are often responsible for several simultaneous duties, they can benefit from having a rational system to keep track of their workload. Here’s what to look for:

  • How they prioritize tasks
  • Explanation of how they manage their time


“Besides using organization tools like planners, calendars and reminders, I am an excellent time manager and have a wonderful memory. I can manage a tight schedule while simultaneously engaging prospective tenants, inspecting building units, and following up with payments.”

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Entry Level Question: Assistant Property Manager Position As Way To Break Into Real Estate

I just graduated from a well regarded, Semi-Target LAC with a low 3.0 range GPA and no real background in finance . Based on conversations that I had while networking, I recently became very interested in Real Estate Investment as a career option. Anyways, I was given a reference through a friend of a friend to a contact that he had working at a boutique Property Management Company in NYC. After a brief phone conversation that started as an informational interview, I was contacted again and offered a position over the phone. The position would be to be an Assistant to one of the senior property managers at the firm, which I was assured was a great way to gain entry level experience for the real estate industry . Keep in mind that I am not as much of a high achieving or career minded student as most of the people on this forum, and am basically starting the job search from scratch post graduation .

Another question that I have: what are the primary differences between property management and Asset Management? I understand that Property Management is much more ‘bricks and mortar’ and operations type work while asset management is more based on high level financial analysis, but I do get the impression that the terms are used interchangeable a lot.

I really appreciate any replies, thank you all for taking the time to read this and offer advice!

What Was The Most Challenging Space You’ve Had To Lease In The Past What Made It A Challenge

Eira Template

    How to Answer

    If you have leased space before, something likely jumped to mind right away! Simply tell the interviewer about that space , how long it was available, and what made leasing it a challenge. Be sure to mention a couple of measures you took to try to lease it more effectively, such as posting it on websites, sending mailers, adding new signage in front of the property, etc.

    Written by Audra Kresinske on March 19th, 2021

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Property Manager Interview Questions And Answers

Reaching the interview stage is a great success. But the battle isnt over yet. You have yet to pass the most important stage the actual interview.

This is probably the time that your mettle as a candidate will be truly tested. And this is the time when if you fail, you are done for! All your efforts to get the job will go to pot.

Preparation for an interview is the key to endless success in the work world. As a deciding point, the interview is extremely important. So while you may have spent a lot of time and effort in applying for the position, it is actually this particular stage that you were aiming to achieve. And eventually the job of your dreams.

How to Prepare for the Property Manager Interview?

Talking of preparation, the actual process includes not only how much you know about the job but how to conduct yourself during the interview.

Your job knowledge is one thing how you present yourself as someone who has the ability to fit into an office culture holds almost as much importance.

The whole preparation bit begins at least a few days before the day of the interview. You need some time to organize your thoughts and determine what it is that you have to wear that will be deemed professional.

How you answer questions at the interview also matters. Understanding the question properly before attempting to answer is half the game.

Property Manager Interview Questions and Answers

We Own This And That Property How Would You Market It To Prospective Tenants

Everything starts with marketing the property. Unless people know that the offer exists, they wont show any interest in renting the spaces. Try to think about their target market and their typical customer. Are these people, companies, shops? Where do they go when looking for a place to live, or to run their office?

The key is to demonstrate your understanding of the market, and the position of your prospective employer. Show them that you know who their customers are, and how you can approach them in an effective way.

You can market a property online, you can do a local advertising in the city, you can approach companies and businesses directly with the offers, you can advertise free office space/apartments directly on the face of the building, you can leverage your existing network of connections, and so on.

Show the interviewers that you have your ideas and wont wait for tenants to find you. You will do everything to be visible, in the right places.

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Why Do You Feel You Are The Most Suited For This Role

The response you provide for this question will illustrate your qualifications for this role. This is the time to link your experience, skills, personality, and education to the job at hand.

Sample Answer

Besides being a great communicator, I am a detail-oriented and proactive property manager focused to work in a dynamic and challenging environment. I hold a bachelors degree in land economics. I have also been a property manager for more than 3 years now. The experience I have had has taught me on managing and supervising staff, generating income through selling, letting, and acquisition. Given a chance, I will play a great role in overseeing the day-to-day management of your properties under my direct management including managing client relations. Additionally, I will design measures to collect and grow the revenue in your properties.

Top 10 Assistant Property Manager Interview Questions And Answers

Property Manager Interview Questions with Answers
  • 1. Top 10 assistant property manager interviewquestions and answersIn this file, you can ref interview materials for assistant property manager such as typesof interview questions, assistant property manager situational interview, assistantproperty manager behavioral interviewOther useful materials for assistant property manager interview: materials:
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    If I Were To Interview The People Who Have Reported To You In The Past How Would They Describe Your Management Style

      How to Answer

      Think about previous roles you’ve held, and consider if the people who reported to you had ever thanked you or complimented you for something. Any kind of positive feedback you can remember from a coworker under you would make for a great examples for this question. Tell the interviewer two or three things that your direct reports have thanked you for or given you positive recognition for. When in doubt, think back to your past performance reviews. Share the positive feedback you received about your leadership style. Be sure to tell the interviewer that your direct reports or past managers have told you they liked these things about you and your leadership it will surely impress!

      Written by Audra Kresinske on March 19th, 2021

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    What Challenges Are You Looking For In A Property Management Position

    If you are operating a large portfolio or a dynamic facility, then you can benefit from a candidate who can adapt to the challenges. Candidates should be motivated to solve problems in innovative ways. Look for these things in an answer:

    • How they can effectively use their skills to solve problems
    • Explain some examples of challenges they have met
    • Demonstrate flexibility and enthusiasm


    “I am motivated by challenges, and it’s what I look for in any new position I take. One specific challenge I am looking for is to build my skills in renovation projects. While I have not encountered a major challenge I could not work through, if a challenge surpasses my capacity, I do not shy away from seeking support from my team.”

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    Assistant Property Manager Job Description Template

    Managing a residential or commercial rental property is hard work, which is why property managers often hire assistants to help with the day-to-day responsibilities. To find the right person, someone who can help enforce rules, collect rent, and handle other duties with flair, youll want to write a targeted assistant manager job description.

    Feel free to use the assistant property manager job description sample below as a blueprint, modifying the details to only include the job duties and requirements you need. Browse our existing assistant property manager job listings to get additional ideas for what you could include in your posting.

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