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Interview Questions To Ask For Clerical Position

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Question #: Explain The Steps To Prepare For And Perform An Internal Audit

OFFICE CLERK Interview Questions & Answers! (How to Pass an Office Clerk Job Interview!)

Why this question is important as one of the Internal Auditor interview questions:

This question can be used to ensure that the candidate understands all aspects of the internal auditing process. A skilled Internal Auditor should also ensure that the audit teams authority is well-established in order to improve cooperation with those being audited. Auditors should determine which departments will require Internal Audits and how frequently. They should create and distribute a yearly audit schedule, as well as ensure that the audit adheres to government regulations, quality standards, and internal procedures and systems.

What you should be listening for :

I always get to know my team members and department heads well so that we can collaborate effectively during the audit. I also create a yearly audit schedule to allow management ample time to prepare for each audit. Then, with the appropriate departments, I discuss the purpose and scope of each audit. I work with my team to identify areas for improvement after receiving the financial records I require from the treasurer. Finally, I wrote a brief report with suggestions for improvement.

What Filling System Do You Use In The Office

There are many ways to answer this based on your experience and preferences in managing documents. Here are just a few.

Possible answers to this question:

  • I use expanding files for documents like accordion designed folders.
  • Where I do not need to use physical paper, I have cloud-based folders that are password protected for information that is valuable and confidential to the company.

Question: Tell Me About A Time When You Had To Deal With A Difficult Client Or Customer

Intent: Some support jobs are internal positions, while other positions, like receptionists, interact with customers or clients. Either way, hiring managers want to assess your interrelationship skills and how you diffuse conflict, Crompton says.

Response: Any question that begins with, Tell me about a time when is a behavioral interview question, where employers use your past experiences and behaviors as an indicator of your future success. So in this case, its important to prepare a compelling anecdote of when you used your communication skills and professional demeanor to respond to a difficult client or customer.

Crompton recommends framing your answer by explaining how the issue arose, how you analyzed the situation, and how you resolved the issue diplomatically. For example, At my last job, a customer angrily complained that a shipment was late. I apologized profusely and was able to track the shipment and saw that our drivers truck broke down, which delayed delivery. I explained this to the customer and offered her a discount on her next order to help smooth things over.

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Have You Had To Handle Customer Complaints If So How Did You Handle The Situation

Administrative assistants often the first line of defense for customer complaints, whether that be at a welcome desk at a business or when handling emails for certain employees. Candidates should be familiar with resolving customer complaints, sending customers to the right people when they have questions, and generally providing excellent customer service.

Sample answer:

I used to get customer complaints frequently when I worked at the front desk at a dentists office. Patients often had questions about billing and what their insurance did or didnt cover. I tried to send them to the right insurance and billing experts in the office to answer their questions. Even if they werent happy with the answer, I tried to put the customer first and get to the root of their issue.

What Are Your Expectations On Office Managers

Questions For Job Interview Clerical

As a good clerk, you should focus mostly on your own work. You should expect a lot from yourselfdiligence, responsibility, working fast, avoiding mistakes, etc, and you should not care much about the work of other people.

Anyway, you can say that you expect them to give you clear instructions on what you should do, and to have a friendly and professional relationship with you. Everything is easier in the office when you have a good relationship with the others, so it makes sense to have this one expectation.

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What Computer Skills Do You Have That Will Benefit This Role

You will no doubt be using some computer systems in your role, so sharing all relevant skills will be beneficial.

Example Answers:

  • I have proficient use in all Microsoft Office programs, from spreadsheets in Excel to different word files. I am also familiar with Microsoft and Mac operating systems and have worked on both.
  • I can use all regular Office programs, as well as Photoshop, Architect Office, and Quickbooks.

Do You Have Any Experience With Bookkeeping

Sometimes administrative assistants are also responsible for bookkeeping tasks, such as invoicing and tracking expenses. Ask them to be specific with the experience they have. If they dont have experience, you can ask if they have any skills related to bookkeeping like organization or practice with Microsoft Excel.

Sample answer:

I have previous experience tracking expenses for team-building events on the executive leadership team. I worked hand-in-hand with the budget and expenses department to help the executive team remain within budget for their outings.

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Have You Handled Any Marketing Tasks For Previous Employers

Administrative assistants often help with various marketing tasks, such as creating and sending emails, drafting proposals, and maintaining social media accounts.

An administrative assistant shouldnt be handling all of your marketing, but they may be asked to help with some level of communication. Use this question to gauge the candidates willingness to help with these tasks or learn how they can help if it isnt their strong suit.

Sample answer:

I assisted the CFO of my last company maintain regular posting on his LinkedIn. While I havent had experience sending out newsletters, Im more than willing to learn. Are there any resources you suggest where I can get started?

What Do You Believe Is The Most Challenging Part Of This Job

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After working as a clerical assistant for nine years, I believe that everything is doable with the right amount of focus. However, that doesnât mean that there arenât challenging aspects of this job. First, a clerical assistant is tasked with many roles that call for excellent multitasking skills that may at times be hard to maintain, especially for a beginner. One is subjected to lots of pressure from the supervisors, callers, filing needs and a range of other tasks. All in all, this challenge can be easily managed with the right skills.

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Can You Work With Ms Office

You should be honest, and stay positive. Even if you have no experience with certain computer program, you should ensure the interviewers that you are ready to learn to work with itif the skill is is needed for the job.

And if you have the experience, you can tell them how long youve been working with the software, where you learned the skill, and how it helped you in your past job or in your studies.

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Top 24 Administrative Assistant Interview Questions

If youre looking to hire an administrative assistant, youll want to make sure you ask the right interview questions in order to find the best candidate for the job.

These candidates will have skills like:

  • Effective organization
  • Experience with data entry, scheduling, and
  • Self motivation
  • Problem solving and time management

You can discover a lot of these skills on a candidates resume, but an interview is the natural next step. This blog post will list 24 administrative assistant interview questions that you should ask candidates.

It will also provide snippets of sample answers for each question so that those preparing for their next administrative assistant interview can appropriately respond to the interviewer.

Lets get started.

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How Do You Handle Feedback

I love feedback, especially constructive ones. I always want to know how I have faired on in a given piece of work and if I should make any necessary corrections in the future, improve or continue with the excellent work. I donât also lash out whenever one doesnât like my work since I have learned not to take things to heart but rather maintain an open mind. I would therefore appreciate feedback from my bosses and further directions regarding work.

Are You Comfortable Processing Financial Information

16 Average Salary Account Receivable Clerk

    Why the Interviewer Asks This Question

    The interviewer wants to know that you are flexible. You do not need to be a finance guru, but you want to show that with guidance, you are comfortable with financial information.

    Written by Emily McMannes on March 13th, 2022

    Focus Your Answer On

    Stating you are comfortable with anything required of you. Even if you have zero financial experience, that’s ok. The interviewer wants to know if you would be comfortable, not how much you know about it.

    Written by Emily McMannes on March 13th, 2022

    Stay Away From

    Focusing on lack of experience with financial information if you don’t have any or stating that you are not comfortable handling finances. Don’t appear as if you are afraid of finance–a lot of people are! That’s also ok, but don’t show it!

    Written by Emily McMannes on March 13th, 2022

    Inexperienced Example

    “Yes, I would be. I do not have a great deal of experience in that area, but I am definitely comfortable learning the process.”

    Written by Emily McMannes on March 13th, 2022

    Experienced Example

    “Yes. In my previous role with XX company, I processed travel arrangements, billing, payroll, and benefits information for XX amount of employees. I am very comfortable with processing financial information.”

    Written by Emily McMannes on March 13th, 2022

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What Are Your Computer And Technology Skills

Piggybacking off typing, its important to understand a candidates skills with computers and technology. You can ask them with experience with certain programs like Microsoft Office and Adobe Suite, and you can also find out their troubleshooting capabilities with computers. Though you may have an IT team to deal with major technology issues, having an assistant with basic computer troubleshooting skills will probably help save you and the IT team tons of time.

If you have candidate who describes themselves as illiterate with computers, they might not be a fit for the role if it requires a lot of interaction with technology.

Sample answer:

Im very comfortable using a computer, and I have experience with a variety of software programs, including Microsoft Office Suite and Google Docs.

What Is Your Experience With Scheduling

Scheduling is another important task for an administrative assistant, and this interview question will help you understand their experience.

Candidates should have experience creating and maintaining schedules for people other than themselves. Assistants are usually the point person on making sure everyone who needs to attend a meeting is available. They also need to make sure certain meetings take precedence over other tasks employees have on their docket.

Sample answer:

I have extensive experience managing schedules for teams of 10-plus executives, and Ive set company-wide meetings for a company with over 1,000 employees. I can handle any scheduling task, whether its for one person or multiple people. Im also familiar with a variety of scheduling software programs like Microsoft Teams and Asana.

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Tell Me About Yourself

In polling hundreds of different companies & HR departments, this is by far one of the most frequently asked questions in any job interview. Your interviewer will use this as an icebreaker, ideally to put you at ease and get you speaking openly and honestly.

While you definitely want to be prepared for this question, you certainly dont want to make your answer sound memorized. Keep in mind, while this question may sound like an invitation to share your life story, you can be assured your interviewer has very little interest in hearing about everything youve ever done.

The person giving the interview has a job to do as well respect their time. Unless you are asked about something specific, focus on your education, your work history, relatable hobbies and outside interests, as well as your current situation.

Be sure to start chronologically and tell a linear story. Start where you feel is sensical, then work your way up to the present.

What Type Of Reporting Structure Did You Work Within In Previous Jobs

Top 10 Questions YOU Want To Ask In a Job Interview | Indeed Career Tips

    Why the Interviewer Asks This Question

    The interviewer wants to know if you are comfortable reporting to more than one individual. As an Office Clerk, the role will typically require handling multiple requests from multiple leaders. This is not always the case, but it would be a typical environment.

    Written by Emily McMannes on March 13th, 2022

    Focus Your Answer On

    Flexibility. Even if your previous role was reporting to one individual, you want to be sure to convey you are open to a matrixed environment where you are receiving requests from different team leaders and have the ability to prioritize accordingly.

    Written by Emily McMannes on March 13th, 2022

    Stay Away From

    Emphasizing that you have only ever reported to one person at a time, even if that’s true. This would show the interviewer that you may not be able to handle multiple requests.

    Written by Emily McMannes on March 13th, 2022

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Questions About Work History

Employers may inquire about your work history to find out if you have any past professional experience in construction and in similar roles. The following work history-related questions could be asked during a construction job interview:

  • Please explain a few construction projects you have worked on before.
  • What time does it take you to understand and use new construction software?
  • Describe one instance where you solved a problem on a construction site.
  • Tell us about when you had to balance roles from more than one assignment at once.
  • How do you assess success in a construction place?
  • What tool have you utilized in the past?
  • Tell us about an instance when an unpredictable circumstance arose during an assignment you were working on, and tell us how you modified yourself to the new situation.
  • Are you ready to change plans and travel to various job sites?
  • How have you reacted to difficulties during construction training assignments?
  • Have you ever encountered an injury on the site, and how did you deal with the incident?
  • Tell us about your favorite project during your work career.
  • Were you in charge of any project during your construction career?
  • What responsibilities have you held in your past construction roles?
  • Do you know how to manage the budget during construction projects?

What Is The Role Of An Office Assistant

A typical Office Assistant’s duties include answering telephones, filing and data entry. Some Office Assistants may also schedule appointments, greet clients and customers, and provide general information about the company to callers.

A Office Assistant is responsible for a variety of tasks in an office setting. These tasks can include answering phones, filing paperwork, handling customer inquiries, and assisting with office management tasks. A Office Assistant is typically the first point of contact for customers and clients, so it is important that they be able to handle inquiries and requests in a professional and courteous manner.

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What Office Software Programs Have You Used In Your Previous Roles

Office software programs are another important component of working in a clerical position. Many clerical positions require employees to utilize various office software systems, including those used for record-keeping, organizing and bookkeeping tasks. The most common programs used are those that are part of the Microsoft Office suite, such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.

To prepare for this question, it’s good to make a note of the officer software systems mentioned in the job listing and discuss the systems you are familiar with first in the interview. This shows the interviewer that you have what it takes to handle the systems they currently work with. And, if you have familiarity with other systems not listed on the job posting, you can also mention those if you feel they are relevant.

Example:”I have experience with all systems that are part of the Microsoft Office Suite, including Word, Excel and PowerPoint. I also have a good understanding of various computer database programs like Access and GroupWise.”

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Question #: What Is Iso 900: 2000

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Why this question is important as one of the Internal Auditor interview questions:

This question assesses the candidates understanding of international management standards. The goal of ISO 9001:2000 is to encourage the use of a process-oriented management approach in organizations. As a result, Internal Auditors must follow a similar strategy.

The ISO 9001 Internal Audit is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the quality management system as well as the overall performance of the organization. Internal Audits show that your planned arrangements are being followed.

What you should be listening for :

ISO 9001:2000 is a set of product and service specifications developed by the International Organization for Standardization . Following it can keep customers happy while also improving quality, safety, and efficiency. ISO 9001:2000 also requires businesses to maintain a wealth of current information about each product or service, making the jobs of Internal Auditors much easier.

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