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Mla Citation Of Personal Interview

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How To Cite An Interview In Mla

Citing an Interview in MLA Style

Published on August 8, 2019 by Shona McCombes. Revised on June 16, 2022.

When citing an interview in MLA style, the name of the person being interviewed appears as the author in the in-text citation.

In the Works Cited entry, the interviewees name is followed by the title of the interview in quotation marks. If there is no title, use the description Interview .

If you conducted the interview yourself, add your own name and the date on which the interview took place. If you found the interview in a published source, include the name of the interviewer and full details of the source.

MLA interview citation examples

Streefkerk, Raimo. Interview. Conducted by Shona McCombes, 20 July 2019.
Spark, Muriel. Unsentimental Voyager. Interview by Stephanie Merritt. The Guardian, 10 Sep. 2000,
  • Citing a published interview in MLA
  • Citing A Personal Interview In Mla

    To cite an interview that you conducted yourself, start the Works Cited entry with the name of the interviewee. Then simply describe it with the word Interview, followed by your own name and the date on which the interview took place.

    In the parenthetical citation, you only need to include the interviewees last name.

    What Is The Example Of Personal Communication

    Examples of personal communication include conversations, email, text messages, online chats or direct messages, personal interviews, telephone conversations, live speeches, unrecorded course lectures, memos, letters, messages from non-archived discussion groups or online bulletin boards, social media shared with

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    How To Quote A Personal Interview In Mla

    You have an amazing interview that will be perfect for your MLA paper. But, you dont know how to cite an interview in MLA. If you interview a person, cite your entry the same way you would a personal communication. You can do this one of three ways: email, telephone, and in person. In all cases, youll follow the container system with the nine core elements of MLA style citation.

    Learn how to do all three MLA 8 interview citation types by following these examples.

    Example Email Interview Citation

    Last Name of Person Who Was Interviewed, First Name. Subject Line of Email. Received by Name of Person Who Received Email, Day Month Year of Email. Email Interview.

    Anaya, Rudolfo. Re: Banning of Bless Me Ultima. Received by Jessica Carranza, 4 June 2019. Email Interview.

    Example In-Person Interview Citation

    Last Name of Person Interviewed, First Name. Interview. By Interviewer First Name Last Name. Day Month Year of Interview.

    Anaya, Rudolfo. Interview. By Jessica Carranza. 4 June 2019.

    Example Telephone Interview Citation

    Last Name of Person Interviewed, First Name. Interview. Day Month Year of Interview. By Interviewer First Name Last Name. Telephone Interview.

    Anaya, Rudolfo. Interview. 4 June 2019. By Jessica Carranza. Telephone interview.

    How Do You Cite A Quote From A Person

    How to Cite Interviews (In person and emailed) in MLA 8th Ed.

    When citing a direct quote by someone who is not the author of the source, you should introduce the person in your writing, use double quotation marks for the quote, rather than the usual single quotation marks for direct quotes by the author of the source, and add the page number within the bracketed citation, or, for

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    How To Cite An Interview In

    Using an interview in your research paper gives a readers a firsthand account of the topic. Modern Language Association style has three ways to cite interviews on a bibliography and one in-text method. The bibliography citation depends upon whether you are using a personal interview you conducted yourself, an interview published in a printed reference or an interview published online. Yet the in-text citation is the same regardless.

    How To Cite An Interview Mla In Text Owl Purdue? List the interview by the name of the interviewee. If the interview has a title, place it in quotation marks. Cite the remainder of the entry as you would other exclusive web content. Place the name of the website in italics, give the publisher name , the publication date, and the URL.

    How do you in-text cite an interview MLA? When citing an interview in MLA style, the name of the person being interviewed appears as the author in the in-text citation. In the Works Cited entry, the interviewees name is followed by the title of the interview in quotation marks.

    Can you cite an interview in MLA? The MLA citation for a personal interview should follow this format: Last name of person interviewed, First name. Date of interview.

    Mla Works Cited: Other Common Sources


    MLA style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities. This resource, updated to reflect the MLA Handbook , offers examples for the general format of MLA research papers, in-text citations, endnotes/footnotes, and the Works Cited page.

    Several sources have multiple means for citation, especially those that appear in varied formats: films, DVDs, television shows, music, published and unpublished interviews, interviews over e-mail, published and unpublished conference proceedings. The following section discusses these sorts of citations as well as others not covered in the print, periodical, and electronic sources sections.

    Use the following format for all sources:

    An Interview

    Interviews typically fall into two categories: print or broadcast published and unpublished interviews, although interviews may also appear in other, similar formats such as in e-mail format or as a Web document.

    Personal Interviews

    Personal interviews refer to those interviews that you conduct yourself. List the interview by the name of the interviewee. Include the descriptor Personal interview and the date of the interview.

    Smith, Jane. Personal interview. 19 May 2014.

    Note: If the interview from which you quote does not feature a title, add the descriptor, Interview by after the interviewees name and before the interviewers name.

    Gaitskill, Mary. Interview with Charles Bock. Mississippi Review, vol. 27, no. 3, 1999, pp. 129-50.


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    Citing A Published Interview

    MLA Format Works Cited Personal Interview

    Citations of interviews that have been published in any type of source follow the format for the type of source in which they were published. The only difference from the usual formats is that the note and bibliography entry both begin with the name of the person being interviewed.

    Include the the interviewers name after the title. If the name of the person interviewed is mentioned in the title, the name can be omitted from the start of a note , but it should always appear in the bibliography entry.

    Click through the tabs below to see how to cite interviews from journals, videos, and magazines.

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    How Do You In

    In-text citation: Luttrell explains that “text of quotation.” OR “Text of quotation” . Speaker. Title of the Speech. Meeting Name, Date of Presentation. Location of Meeting.

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    and Kate Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses and Dissertations, 7th ed.

    Reference List: Other Non

    Note: This page reflects the latest version of the APA Publication Manual , which released in October 2019. The equivalent resource for the older APA 6 style can be found here.

    Please note: the following contains a list of the most commonly cited non-print sources. For a complete list of how to cite non-print sources, please refer to the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual.


    Interviews fall into three categories: published interviews, personal interviews, and research participant interviews. However, only published interviews require a formal citation in your reference list.

    A published interview is found in places like a radio show, newspaper, or magazine. To cite a published interview, adhere to the format for that particular reference type . For more information on citing sources where an interview might appear, visit the Articles in Periodicals page or the Electronic Sources page.

    A personal interview is considered personal communication and does not require a formal citation in your reference list. See below for more information.

    A research participant interview is an interview conducted as part of your research project. You might address this in the body of your paper, saying something like, As part of my study, I interviewed fifty participants about their involvement with intramural sports. However, you do not need to formally cite this in your reference list.

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    Interviews And Personal Communication


    This section contains information on The Chicago Manual of Style method of document formatting and citation. These resources follow the seventeenth edition of The Chicago Manual of Style, which was issued in 2017.

    In citations for interviews and personal communications, the name of the person interviewed or the person from whom the communication is received should be listed first. This is followed by the name of the interviewer or recipient, if given, and supplemented by details regarding the place and date of the interview/communication. Unpublished interviews and personal communications are best cited in-text or in notes rather than in the bibliography. Published interviews should be cited like periodical articles or book chapters.

    Interviews with anonymous sources can be cited without including the name of the sourcee.g. anonymous informant #3 or recreational psilocybin userbut you must explain in the text why you are not giving the name of your source.

    Unpublished Interviews

    Note: If the interview is unpublished, but there is a transcript or recording available, you should include information as to where said transcript/recording can be found. This can be as simple as a URL, or as complex as a location in an institutional archive the latter is shown in the example below.

    Title of Broadcasting ProgramTitle of Broadcasting Program

    This is shown in the second example.

    ycamore Review,Acoustic Café

    Personal Communications

    How Do You Cite A Phone Interview

    Apa Generator Interview

    Phone calls are considered personal communication in APA style. Because they do not contain recoverable data meaning, no one else could go look it up after the phone conversation is over these are not included in the reference list at the end of the paper. However you can include it as an in-text citation.

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    Solution #: Referencing Interviews With Missing Information

    Interview missing an author

    If the source is missing an author, skip this information and write the title in quotation marks with a period. Follow this information with the name of the journal or periodical in italics and a period. List the date of the publication followed by a comma and the page span of the material.

    Works cited entry example:

    The Daily Life of Crystal. The Hypothetical InterviewersColumn, May 2020, pp. 19-20.

    Interview without a title

    When an interview is missing a title, rename it with a brief description of the interview.

    Works cited entry example:

    Johnson, Crystal. Crystal Discusses her Routine. Interview by Elizabeth Miller. The Hypothetical InterviewersColumn, May 2020, pp. 19-20.

    Interview without a date

    If an interview found online is missing a date, skip this information and continue writing the URL and access date.

    Works cited entry example:

    Johnson, Crystal. The Daily Life of Crystal. Interview by Elizabeth Miller. The Hypothetical InterviewersColumn, http://hypothetical_interviewers_com_CJohnson. Accessed 2 May 2020.

    Interview without pages

    If a reference is missing pages, simply do not list them. Instead, follow the date with a period.

    Works cited entry example:

    Johnson, Crystal. The Daily Life of Crystal. Interview by Elizabeth Miller. The Hypothetical Interviewers Column, May 2020.

    Mla: Interviews On Works Cited Pages

    To begin citing an interview on an MLA Works Cited page, enter the interviewees name. Invert the name by placing the last name first, followed by a comma. Then, enter the full first name. Insert a period, and leave a space.

    Type the phrase Personal interview. Add the date of the interview in day-month-year format, using the abbreviation for the month. Enter a period immediately after the year to conclude the citation.

    For example:

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    Interview Published As Youtube Video

    In-text citation, parenthetical example:

    In-text citation, narrative example:Army of the Dead

    Reference list entry examples:

    60 Minutes Australia. . Meet the tallest man in the world | 60 Minutes Australia. YouTube.

    OBrien, C. . . Tig Notaro full interview CONAN on TBS . YouTube.

    & nbsp

    Interview Published As An Online Article

    MLA 8th Edition Personal Interview or Lecture Citation

    In-text citation, parenthetical example:In-text citation, narrative example:Reference list entry example:

    MacInnes, P. . Ellie Simmonds: Ive found the expectations harder as Ive got older. The Guardian.

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    Accurate Mla 8 Interview Citation Style

    Knowing how to quote an interview in MLA can come in handy. Using personal or published interviews is a good way to give your readers a direct link to the mind of your subject. You can direct your questions to help guide your project and develop your thesis. Cite your sources in MLA format accurately so researchers can readily access your reference material.

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    Solution #: How To Cite A Text Message Or Personal Email In Apa

    Personal emails or text messages are considered forms of personal communication. Since they are unpublished and cannot be accessed by anyone else, they should not be included on the reference sheet. An in-text citation should be made indicating that it was obtained through personal communication, including the persons name and the date that the communication happened.


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    How Do I Cite A Personal Interview That Occurred On More Than One Day

    Note: This post relates to content in the eighth edition of the MLA Handbook. For up-to-date guidance, see the ninth edition of the MLA Handbook.

    To cite a personal interview that occurred on more than one day, begin by following the MLA format template. In general, treat the person being interviewed as the author. Then follow the guidelines on pages 2829 of the MLA Handbook and include the description interview as the Title of source element. You may list the interviewers name as an Other contributor after the description. In the Publication date slot, treat the dates of the interview as a range if they are consecutive:

    Cohen, Allan. Interview. Conducted by Christine Stevens, 24-25 May 2016.

    If the dates are not consecutive, treat them as a series:

    Doe, Jane. Interview. Conducted by John Smith, 3 and 6 Aug. 2017.

    Doe, John. Interview. Conducted by Jorge Menocal, 2, 3, and 7 Sept. 2016.

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    Purdue Owl Apa Interview Paper

    Cite sources in text by using the name of the first author listed in the source, followed by the publication date in parenthesis. You may begin your citation by referencing your source in the sentence, with the publication date in parenthesis, followed by the page number in parenthesis at the end of the sentence.

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    Mla Citation Examples: Other Source Types

    Personal interview

    Smith, John. Personal interview. 31 Aug. 2007.

    Unattributed or Anonymous Interview

    If the person being interviewed wishes to remain anonymous, do not create an entry in the works cited list. Instead, include information in a footnote that the source is a personal interview.

    Create an entry as you would for any other source, replacing the person interviewed for the author.

    Saro-Wiwa, Ken. English Is the Hero. No Condition Is Permanent: Nigerian Writing and the Struggle for Democracy, edited by Holger Ehling and Claus-Peter Holste-von Mutius, Rodopi, 2001, pp. 1319.

    If the interview is not contained in another work, you may list the interviewers name in the Other contributors slot after the description and follow it with a comma:

    Walcott, Derek. Interview. Conducted by Susan Lang, 22 Oct. 2002.

    Indirect Sources

    If you refer to or quote from a source that is cited in another source, list only the source you consulted directly in your works cited list. Name the original source in the text of your paper, and cite the secondary source in parentheses:

    Wallace argues that “prior experience with nonnative speech facilitates comprehension” .

    *In this example, only the Smith source, which was consulted directly, would be included in the works cited list.

    Whenever possible, try to find and consult the original source. If the University of Iowa Libraries does not have the original source, we can try to get it for you through interlibrary loan.

    Why Interview Citations Are Important

    In any writing project you undertake, its incredibly important to cite all relevant sources that youve referenced in that project. Failing to attribute a fact or statement to the appropriate source is not just unprofessional and unethical it also can get you in trouble at work, or could be a violation of your schools academic integrity policy. Proper citation of all your reference sources can help you avoid all that.

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    How To Cite An Interview In Mla Format In Text

    MLA: how you can cite an individual interview. Make sure you have personal interview citation lower! This is how: interviewee interview title magazine title date of publication url.

    To cite an individual interview inside a reference entry in MLA style eighth edition range from the following elements: Provide the surname and name as presented within the source . For 2 authors, reverse just the name, adopted by and and also the second name in normal order . For 3 or more authors, list the name adopted by et al. Title from the interview: Titles are italicized when independent. If a part of a bigger source add speech marks and dont italize. Interviewer name: Provide the surname and name as presented within the source . For 2 authors, reverse just the name, adopted by and and also the second name in normal order . For 3 or more authors, list the name adopted by et al. Title from the source: Container titles are italicized and adopted with a comma. Date of publication: Provide the day, month and year of publication.

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